Dynamic signage

Study of the organization of dynamic informative and promotional signs for the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie

2011 - 2012

In an increasingly competitive landscape, the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie must remain at the cutting edge of scientific and cultural information, attract a larger number of loyal and more diverse visitors, and continue to better meet their expectations.

To this end, the Cité launched a project in 2011 to revamp its offering and its reception areas. The project sets a high bar in terms of universal accessibility and environmental standards. It falls in line with the ongoing urban development plan in Paris’s north-east district and, more specifically, in the Parc de la Villette.

Forecourt of the Cité des Sciences

The Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie had Reciproque carry out a feasibility study on dynamic publication solutions. After consulting with the relevant departments, Reciproque assessed the functional needs and helped the CSI teams to design release scenarios and launch new software.

The scope of the mission includes all of the existing totem signs and screens, installed on each floor of the building, in order to refurbish the reception areas in the lead up to its reopening.

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